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泰国新星DJ 22Bullets 合作丹麦小天王Christopher最新混音单曲

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  • 2021-12-04
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Christopher联合华纳Whet厂牌国际瞩目的泰国新星DJ 22Bullets(DJ MAG第92位)重新编曲混音其最新力作“If It Weren’t For You”已于2021年12月3日发布。

22BULLETS被誉为亚洲KSHMR, 曾与国际知名制作人Timmy Trumpet、KSHMR、Fedde Le Grand等合作过单曲。毫无疑问是目前成长速度最快的电音制噪者之一。出道以来已经与诸多大牌制作人舞台同台演出,例如Afrojack, Bassjacker ,Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike等。作为来自泰国的全能制作人,22BULLETS收到了来自世界各地厂牌及音乐人的支持与认可,并能有着完全依靠自己的音乐征服舞池的制作能力。随着粉丝的一路飞升,他现已成为Spotify上首位保持月度听众超100万的东南亚制作人。今年的DJ MAG TOP100中他也跻身于第92位。



出身于1992年的克里斯托弗·尼森常年定居于丹麦,2012年发行第一张专辑起, Christopher已将6座极具分量的丹麦音乐奖项收入囊中,在国际上也收获不少。发行的所有单曲皆斩获丹麦黄金或者铂金歌单,并在Spotify上累计超过一亿浏览。凭借出众的音乐才华与超凡的亲和力,小C更是在亚洲吸粉无数,甚至还与韩国人气歌手金请夏一同收割韩国国际榜单榜首位置。他曾发行多张专辑,《Colours》、《Told You So》、《Closer》等,成名曲《CPH Girls》《I Won't Let You Down》更是助他2次位居丹麦金曲榜首。职业生涯中已有过多次巡演,巡演脚步遍布欧亚大陆

Whet Records是华纳音乐旗下面向亚洲的电音舞曲厂牌,成立于2021年,Whet Records签约和培养新的电音人才以及成熟的DJ/制作人,提供强大的发行平台及营销和管理服务,帮助艺人在整个市场上发展扩大粉丝基数。Whet旗下签约了众多在亚洲最令人瞩目的不同流派艺人,包括22Bullets, Lizzy Wang、Mickey Zhang、徐梦圆等。

除签约艺人外,Whet Records也推出了一系列名为“Whet Drops”,这些发行将发掘和展示亚洲涌现的新兴音乐才能。 Whet Drops 还为资深艺术家提供了一个探索舞曲流派新领域的一次性机会,并提供令人兴奋的合作项目。

22Bullets New Remix of Christopher’s “If It Weren’t For You”

Christopher releases remixes of his latest hit single “If It Weren’t For You”, with powerful remix from the international acclaimed DJ and producer 22Bullets from Thailand, ranked #92 on DJ MAG TOP100 and known for collabs with Timmy Trumpet, KSHMR and Fedde Le Grand.

“If It Weren’t For You” Remixes released on December 3, 2021

Known as “Asia KSHMR”. 22 Bullets is one of the fastest rising artists who continues to take the world by storm! 22Bullets has already had been on stage with many DJs, such as Afrojack, Bassjackers and Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike. In recent years alone, the multifaceted producer, coming out of Thailand, has been on the rise, receiving support and recognition from the likes of world, renowned artists, and major record labels. And not many international producers can brag about having made club hits out of songs from no other than both Nancy Sinatra and Cher. As his fanbase has been on the constant rise, he was recently listed as the first producer in southeast Asia to get over 1 million listeners per month on Spotify. In 2021 he has reached #92 on the DJ MAG TOP100 list.

In the originally track, on the music side, what started as a ballad quickly turned into a super up-tempo pop-anthem with lots of positivity and sparky energy with the new remix version. "It started out quiet, but after this year I really felt that everyone needed a lot of joy and positivity – Now is the time to get back to enjoying life, to live, to dance – and while we do, we must thank those who have kept us sane and held our hands“ said by Christopher.

"I Would Have Gone Crazy, If It Weren't For You" Christopher said. Even without melody or chorus, the sentence clearly described what an incredibly complex year would have meant if one had been alone with it all. "It was one of those rare moments where a word or a sentence creates the basis for the whole song's DNA. I instantly felt that this track should be a tribute and an anthem to that special person with whom one has overcome this insane time. Whether it's a partner, a friend, a family member – or maybe your neighbor, who has been a friendly face across the balcony”. This song could be a symbol for being positive even in the darkest night through COVID-19.

Christopher was born on 31 January 1992 and grew up in Tårnby on Amager. Since he debuted as a 19-year-old with the single ‘Against All Odds’, numerous awards for his work as a musician both at home and abroad. All of Christopher's singles have gold or platinum status in Denmark and accumulated more than 100 million views on Spotify. With talent and affinity, he is increasingly gaining ground in Asia and has, among other things, topped the international Korean chart together with K-Pop star Chung Ha. He has released several albums, such as "Colours", "Told You So", "Closer", etc. The famous songs "CPH Girls" and "I Won't Let You Down" made him top the Danish Golden Songs chart twice. He has toured in Asia, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland.

Whet Records is Warner Music’s pan-Asian dance label.Founded in Shanghai in 2021. Whet Records signs and nurtures both emerging talent and established DJ / producers, providing a powerful distribution platform and a range of marketing and management services to help its artists grow their fan base throughout the region. Whet’s roster includes some of Asia’s most exciting names on the genre, including 22Bullets, Lizzy Wang, YUAN and Mickey Zhang.

Whet Records also presents a series of tracks called“Whet Drops”These releases provide an early look at the top emerging talent bubbling throughout the region. Whet Drops also provide an outlet for veteran artists to explore one-offs in new sectors of the dance genre, as well as present exciting collaboration projects.

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  • 标签:郎本无情在线观看
  • 编辑:李娜
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